What makes ZSoft Uninstaller so much better that Add/Remove

ZSoft Uninstaller can do 3 "big things" that the build in function in windows just can't do.

It can show more information than available though add/remove.
It can find and delete temporary files.
It can analyse an installation so it can be completely uninstalled.

Finding temporary files
The temporary files finder form You can access this feature though the toolbar by clicking "Temp File Finder".

All you really have to do is choose a drive from the drop-down list and click search. Then the program will search the drive for files that are considered temporary and will, though a right-click menu allow you to either delete it for good, or back it up and the delete it so you can re-create it though the "Backups" button.

Normally the C-drive contains the most temporary files.

Show extra information

The Show/Edit Info form You can get extra information about a program in the list by right-clicking on an item and selecting the "Show/Edit Info" button. This will bring up the dialog shown to the right.

Here you can see all the string information from the registry, and like that's now enough you can change, remove, and/or add a new one by right-clicking.

The right-click menu in the Show/Edit Info form At the right the right-click menu are shown.
By right-clicking on an item and selecting "Change" you can edit the information it holds.
By right-clicking on an item and selection "Remove" it will be deleted.
By right-clicking anywhere and selection "Add New Item" you can do exactly that.

Analysing an installation
The Analyse form
By clicking on the "Analyze" button on the toolbar, the dialog shown on the right is brought up. It gives you 2 choices: Analysing an installation, or uninstalling a previously analysed installation.

The later will give you a screen where you can choose among the analysed installations.
Before being able to uninstall you have to confirm that you do it at you own responsibility and won't kill me if anything goes wrong.

You can also uninstall an analysed installation (and, as the only place, rename and delete them) from the "Analyzed Programs" tab next to the "Installed Programs" tab in the main menu.

The Analyse form By choosing the first option you can choose which drives you want to analyse, the press the "Before Installation" button and let the program do it's thing.
When it's finished you should install the application in question, and perhaps run it and close it once before pressing the second button - "After Installation".

When the after installation is finished it will ask you for something to name the analysed installation before comparing the before and after "image".

This whole procedure naturally takes some time, but allows you to uninstall a program completely.
If a file have been added it will be registered, and deleted upon uninstallation.
If a registry entry have been added (if it's not a binary registry entry) it will be deleted upon uninstallation.
If a registry entry have been deleted (if it's not a binary registry entry) it will be re-created upon uninstallation.

If anything, upon uninstallation could not be deleted, the program will try to delete the files and/or registry entrys the next time you open the program, and continue to try every time until the files are gone.